Westboy (Makoto Nishikura) is a freelance seeker, phenomenologist and photographer.
He is based in Ichikawa, Japan. He formally studied sociology, social psychology and phenomenology. After many years experience in a major IT company as a marketing specialist, he decided to work as a freelancer. Now he is studying AI and philosophy, also pursuing the essence of photography by phenomenological approach.
Award/Editors’ choice
- SONY World Photographer Award 2018 Commended
- 500PX Editors’ Choice three times
Photo Community/Social media links:
- Instagram:
instagram.com/nishikura24/ (Main)
instagram.com/westboy_96/ (Portrait) - Tumblr: westboycats.tumblr.com/
- Twitter: twitter.com/nishikura
- 500PX: 500px.com/westboy96 & 500px.com/westboy24
- 1x : 1x.com/member/nishikura